Bermuda BIOS
Bermuda BIOS
CTA field trips to the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] are designed to complement your marine science curriculum providing the perfect balance of educational adventures, social interaction and fun for all. Founded in 1903 as the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, the institute hosts a full time faculty of world-recognized oceanographers, biologists and environmental scientists.

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences is located in a subtropical setting situated on the islands of Bermuda, a former British protectorate. Mild air and water temperatures make BIOS a year-round destination for exciting world-class field research opportunities including marine biology, coral reef ecology, geology and oceanography. Summer months are most popular and feature the warmest waters of the year.

BIOS facilities include well equipped laboratories, a 24-hour research library, a fully staffed kitchen and dining facility, a bus for land excursions, and several versatile scientific research vessels. A typical day includes a morning classroom lecture and/or lab session led by a marine scientist, followed by an afternoon field trip to a diverse ecological site such as a private nature preserve, a spectacular coral reef, a natural limestone cavern or a pink sand beach. BIOS staff accompanies your group on all field excursions, providing orientation and hands-on experiences relative to the morning lessons.

Bermuda is just a two-hour flight from most east coast airports. Accommodations are on the campus of this world-famous institute, formerly an exclusive resort, and include semi-private rooms and three freshly prepared buffet meals daily. Air and ground transportation along with instruction, labs and field trips are all arranged for you by CTA. Most groups enjoy a free day to tour this safe and wonderful country and relax on a powder-soft pink beach. Treat your students to this once in a lifetime learning opportunity with the help and direction of CTA.

Call today to have CTA custom design an amazing Bermuda BIOS field trip package.

NOTE: The BIOS trip is recommended for high school or advanced middle school students displaying a strong science interest; and although open year-round, CTA suggests travel here between April and October.